Friday, September 3, 2010

$$$$$ Can't Buy Brains

I am sure you have all heard by now that Clifford "Tip" Harris have been arrested along with his wife Tameka "Tiny" Cottle in LA with a drug possession. Seriously you mean the same TI who have the #1 movie in America "Takers", the same TI who is schedule to release a new CD this month "King UnCaged". No wait do you mean the same TI who is on probation after serving 10 months in a Arkansas federal prision along with 5 months in a half way house. He was only sentenced a year because of his celebrity and impact he could make on children going through the same problems. He even had a show on MTV "Road To Redemption" where he was able to help young people see their bad choices and give them positive outlets. I am a fan but it is hard to explain, someone who got a get out of jail free card and came home to a beautiful family,millions of dollars and a boost in his career can throw it all away. Now people probably say it is only weed or ecstasy but that is against his probation to have in his possession. I see it like this why not keep your drugs in the fancy hotel suites you stay in, do it behind closed doors. The reason for that is you decrease the risk in a possession charge. I love his music and I don't think he is a bad guy but he needs to be smart about how he handle his life. You ride around in a 400,000 car and speed you bring the attention to you. Then the police find out it is you driving and they looking for a chance to bring you down. Did Tip know the minute he got out of jail that the spotlight will be on him brighter and not just the one on stage. Now he must go through the legal system again where they know him to well and hope they show mercy. He can't use I'm a celebrity I can help kids because the kids will say you didn't listen to the law why should we. He got money alot of it,a career most people would die to have, and the type family I wish I could have came from but smarts maybe not as much. He should find "Motivation" so he can keep "Doing His Job" and give his family "Whatever they Like" cause being stupid and locked up is not how Clifford "Tip" Harris want to "Live His Life"

1 comment:

  1. Celebrities just think they are invincible in some aspects. He wasn't thinking straight (maybe the drugs had something to do with that) and it was stupid because he should know he's being watched.
    Maybe Tiny should have taken the rap, lol.
